Become A
Premier Dealer

Whether you're a passionate entrepreneur or a booming enterprise, growers around you need a voice they can trust.

Premier Dealer = A Big Deal

Every season, farmers all over the world are looking for answers. How do I get my equipment to work better than last year? How can I cut costs and increase my bottom dollar to provide for my family? What's going on in my field and why does it seem so hard to figure it out? Precision Planting Premier Dealers provide trusted answers to these questions. They offer insight, simple solutions, and training to give farmers their best year yet.

» Start the Conversation

I work with a handful of companies and Precision Planting, by far, offers more support than any other company I've worked with.

Adam Heitzig

MTS in Jerseyville, IL

We’re Looking for New Dealers Who Are:

Grower Focused, Grower Driven

Precision Planting dealers are motivated to improve the condition of the farms and farmer they work with, not just company profits.

Premier Dealer and a farmer shaking hands in front of a John Deere planter and a pickup truck.

Do Hard Things

Being a Precision Planting Premier Dealer is no small job. Farmers look to them year-round for trusted solutions to their equipment, fertilizer, and agronomy questions. On top of that, Precision Planting is pushing the agriculture industry forward and is always changing and improving.

Precision Planting Premier Dealers installing ReClaim on a Sprayer

Teachers First

Education is our bread and butter. Our dealers have the patience to teach the unknown to farmers in their area. They must be willing to gain the required agronomic and product knowledge to be successful.

Warren Farms

Business Minded

Premier Dealers are comfortable managing inventory, billing, finances, and hiring and retaining employees. They know they need business management skills to be successful.

Precision Planting Dealers working on a planter build in a shop setting.
» Reach Out for More Info

Whether you're a passionate entrepreneur or a booming enterprise, growers around you need a voice they can trust. With the right resources, your voice can lead the way for farmers to Believe in Better™. 

The Business Opportunity

Precision Planting Premier Dealer standing in a farmers field evaluating together

At this point, you know Precision Planting is passionate about improving the lives of farmers across the world. We’re also passionate about our dealer network. As a Premier Dealer, you sell Precision Planting products, but that’s not the only way to bring in an income. Many dealers also bring in revenue through product installation and services, meter calibration, along with other consulting opportunities. The business is truly a year-round business with sales, installation, and service opportunities on planters, toolbars, sprayers, combines, seeders, drills, and more, as well as agronomic and equipment evaluations.

» Start the Conversation


23207 Townline Road Tremont, IL 61568[email protected](309) 925-5050

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