
Planter-wide or two-section automated downforce control

A single downforce setting across the entire field leads to too much downforce in some areas and too little in others, causing yield loss. AirForce is a downforce control system that measures variability in the field and automatically adjusts your downforce planter-wide, or by section, according to changing field environments, so you stop sacrificing yield.

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Be in Control of Downforce on Your Planter

Choose from planter-wide or section control.

Automated Control System

AirForce measures and adjusts downforce through the planter’s airbags. It works on planters with down and lift bags, down-only bags, and lift-only bags. It operates as either planter-wide or a two-section control mode.

AirForce offers planter-wide or section-controlled automatic downforce on planters.

Quick Adjustment with the 20|20

No more getting out of the cab to manually adjust every single row. Set your planter-wide or section-wide downforce amount from the cab and let the planter do the rest. 

Airforce is a planter-wide or section-wide downforce tool that uses the 20|20.

Get the Proper Downforce

Compaction created by excess downforce carried on the planter's depth gauge wheels will compact soil and remove pore space in the soil. Proper downforce maintains consistent planting depth and good sidewall integrity, which overall drives more even plant emergence.

Airforce is a planter-wide or section-controlled downforce tool that uses the 20|20.

Pick Your Path

AirForce is Compatible with Both 20|20 Systems

Though different features, either can be used.


We've Done Our Homework

So you don't have to.

Upgrade to Row-by-Row Control

Increase Accuracy With DeltaForce

DeltaForce takes the principles of AirForce and applies them to each row of the planter individually. Using a hydraulic cylinder and load cell on each row to manage the downforce, DeltaForce adds control to each individual row, rapidly adapting to changes across the field, foot-by-foot. 

    » Learn More About DeltaForce
Utilize Precision Planting products tied to a 20|20 monitor for high-definition visibility into your planter.

Product Resources

See the operation manual and quick reference guide.

» AirForce Resources

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