Keeton Seed Firmer

Ensure seed to soil contact

When seeds don't make it to the bottom of the furrow, there is an air gap that causes a delay in emergence. Seed Firmers press each seed to the bottom of the furrow to improve seed-to-soil contact and give you a crop stand you can be proud of.

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How Keeton Seed Firmers Work

A Simple Solution for Seed Firming

With the ability to apply liquid in-furrow

Firm the Seed

The Keeton Seed Firmer gently presses every seed into the bottom of the trench to tuck it firmly in the soil, ready to take in the moisture and heat it needs. A simple attachment that adds yield to your planter. 

Ensure seed to soil contact with Keeton seed firmers

Get Rid of Air Pockets

When seeds don't land in the bottom of the trench where they belong an air pocket forms underneath them leading to late germination and emergence, and loss of yield. The Keeton Seed Firmer presses out any air pockets to avoid these problems. 

Keeton seed firmers from Precision Planting.

Apply Seed-Safe Liquid 

The Keeton Seed Firmer can also act as a liquid application tool for insecticides, fungicides, and proper in-furrow fertilizers. Choose directly on the seed placement or a splitter to split the stream of liquid.

The Keeton seed firmer from Precision Planting can be a liquid application tool for insecticides, fungicides, and proper in-furrow fertilizers.

Quick Return on Investment

Keeton Seed Firmers can often pay for themselves in 40-60 acres. In 2021, we saw a break-even point at 59 acres for corn and 41 acres for soybeans. With a small investment per row, and a return in the exact same planting season, the Keeton Seed Firmer is a win-win. 

Sticky Soil? No Problem. 

The Low-Stick Keeton Seed Firmer is designed with a material specifically for sticky soil conditions. It works the same as the standard Keeton by gently pressing every seed into the bottom of the trench to tuck it firmly in the sticky soil without getting soil built up. It is also capable of liquid application. Talk to a Precision Planting Premier Dealer to determine the best Keeton Seed Firmer for your conditions! 

Low stick Keeton seed firmers are a great solution for sticky soils.

We also make a Keeton Seed Firmer that is compatible with drills! 


Keeton Seed Firmer + Downforce Study

The Keeton Seed Firmer shows significant yield increases when downforce is too light or we lose ground contact during planting.

Keeton Seed Firmer Study ‣ Corn

A multi-year study from 2018-2021 showed a 3.4 Bu/A increase by adding a Keeton Seed Firmer to the row unit.

Keeton Seed Firmer Study ‣ Soybeans

A 2020 study in soybeans revealed a $13.56/acre gain when a Keeton Seed Firmer was on the row unit.

2020 Keeton Seed Firmer Downforce Study Yield

Keeton + DownForce Study » Yield

2018-2021 Multi-Year Keeton Seed Firmer Study – Economics

Multi-Year Keeton Study Results » Economics

2018-2021 Multi-Year Keeton Seed Firmer Study – Yield

Multi-Year Keeton Study Results » Yield

Add Eyes to Your Seed Firmer

The Keeton Seed Firmer led to a new technology, SmartFirmer. SmartFirmer pairs with 20|20 in the cab to not only firm seed, but measure the furrow to provide information in the cab so the operator can see what type of environment the seeds are being placed in.

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