vSet Select

Dual meter multi-hybrid

Typical planters only allow you to plant one seed hybrid at a time, which doesn’t allow you to match hybrid to the field environment. vSet Select is a multi-hybrid planting system that allows you to plant two hybrids using dual meters for instantaneous switching between hybrids.

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Why vSet Select?

Multi-Hybrid Planting is Here.

Dual meters, one split hopper box.

Precise Multi-Hybrid Planting

Seed environments often change in the same field, calling for different hybrids in different areas. With vSet Select, you can plant two hybrids in the same row, switching back and forth as environments change, so you can plant the right hybrid right where you get the most performance.

vSet Select, a multi-hybrid planting system, allows you to plant two hybrids using dual meters for switching between hybrids.

Run Hybrid Prescriptions

Upload two-hybrid prescription shape files to be used by vSet Select, or manually switch from one hybrid to another. vSet Select is a sophisticated controller that is simple and intuitive to use. Now planting is simple and delivers hybrid and zone match like never before.

vSet Select, a multi-hybrid planting system, allows you to plant two hybrids using dual meters for switching between hybrids.

Row-by-Row Functionality

Transform your planter with this integral, dual-meter design. The seed releases consistently down a common tube, for uniform spacing, every time. With VDrive and 20|20 paired with vSet Select, you gain row-by-row control, rather than planter-wide control, over hybrid planting.

vSet Select, a multi-hybrid planting system, allows you to plant two hybrids using dual meters for instantaneous switching between hybrids.
mSet pairs with Precision Planting's 20|20, vSet meter, and vDrive electric drive to offer visualization through the monitor.

Visualize Performance on the 20|20

vSet Select pairs with Precision Planting's 20|20 and vDrive electric drive to offer visualization through the monitor in the cab. Watch feedback on seeding in real-time. 

A Gen 3 20|20 or Gen 2 20/20 SeedSense is required. 

» Learn More About the 20|20


Multi-Hybrid 3 Step System

3 Steps to Multi-Hybrid Success

Give Your Crop the Best Opportunity to Maximize Yield

Variable rate icon

Step 1

Create spatial management zones to define soil variability.

Green corn kernel icon

Step 2

Position the correct genetics in each created zone.

Green tractor icon

Step 3

Use proper planting equipment to automatically switch genetics on-the-fly while planting.

They Are Different, So Why Not Treat Them Differently?

Not every acre you farm is the same. That is why you make different fertility plans for different fields, have different tillage practices, and even select different hybrids for different fields. But what about the variability that exists within a single field, even a single pass?

Product Resources

vSet Select Resources

Download your operation and quick reference guides here!

» vSet Select Resources


23207 Townline Road Tremont, IL 61568[email protected](309) 925-5050

    Copyright © 2025 Precision Planting. An AGCO brand.

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