
Improved singulation for John Deere vacuum systems

John Deere vacuum meters need adjustment to properly singulate seeds, resulting in skips and multiples. The eSet meter is a retrofit system that goes inside of a John Deere vacuum meter and uses a flat disk without cells, paired with a floating singulator that doesn't need adjustments. Simply set your vacuum, fill the planter with seed, and go.

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Simple Upgrade, Big Change in Your Stands

A cost-effective retrofit for your existing meters

Retrofit Solution

The eSet meter goes inside of a John Deere vacuum meter and uses a flat disk without cells that are sensitive to seed size and shape, paired with a floating singulator that doesn't need adjustments. The eSet system fits Pro Series row units or standard row hoppers.

eSet offers improved singulation for John Deere vacuum systems
Corn in early growth stage.

Superior Spacing

Achieve a picket-fence stand.

eSet meters offer improved singulation for John Deere vacuum systems.

Set It and Forget It

You've got more important things to do than fuss with settings and adjustments.

Even cotton emergence from automated downforce from Precision Planting

Superior Singulation

Perfection is the new normal.

See inside an eset meter

vSet Offers the Functionality of eSet With Endless Possibilities

The vSet meter is a complete replacement meter that has many upgrade possibilities. vSet can pair with electric drives, high-speed delivery systems, and multi-hybrid planting systems. vSet gives you the freedom to add on to the system you want in the future and provide the best metering performance on the market.

» Take a Closer Look at vSet

hear from growers

Multiple Crops are a Challenge for Standard Meters

The Benzers grow a variety of crops with different seed sizes that pose a challenge with standard seed meters. They found a solution when replacing their meters with the eSet system.

Product Resources

eSet Resources

Using your eSet meters for the first time, or changing crops? Download the guide here!

» eSet Crop Setup Guide

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