
Adaptable two-stage closing system

Setting your closing system correctly is tough. FurrowForce is a two-stage closing system that adapts to your planting conditions to remove air pockets and firm soil to keep moisture, giving you confidence that your crops will germinate the best that they can.

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What is FurrowForce?

Customizable 2-Stage Closing System

Clean. Create. [Close].

Fundamentally Different

FurrowForce is a 2-stage closing system. In the first stage, notched wheels work to close the seed furrow from the bottom up, fracturing to eliminate air pockets, even in extreme no-till conditions where traditional closing systems struggle. In the second stage, stitch wheels carry weight on them to firm the soil. This consistent firming is especially beneficial behind spring tillage where the seed environment is at risk of drying out.

Managing Soil Density

Managing soil density to maintain moisture is a key component in creating the best environment for the seed. If the soil density over the seed is loose, the soil will dry out easily and moisture that is needed for quick germination is quickly lost. Too compact? Uneven emergence is ahead.

customize furrowforce

Manual or Automated?

Choose your method.

Manual FurrowForce from Precision Planting is a two-stage closing system.

Run It Manually

FurrowForce can be run without a 20|20. Simply adjust the air bags to a target air pressure before hopping in the cab. Once set, they will maintain that target pressure planter-wide. An air compressor and manual controller are required. 

FurrowForce is a two-stage closing system from Precision Planting.

Add Sensing

Add load cells to sense a change in density. The 20|20 gives you a complete picture of planting performance, including metrics for closing like closing margin, good closing percent, and closing uniformity. See it in the cab in real-time, while planting and make manual adjustments as needed. A 20|20 (Gen 3) is required. 

FurrowForce with automatic control

Add Sensing + Control

You also have the option to add load cells to every row to measure and set weight on the closing system from the 20|20 monitor. When a load cell measures weight that has veered from the target pressure set on the 20|20, the FurrowForce system will automatically adjust row-by-row. A Gen 3 20|20 is required.

Different Wheels for Different Needs

Chat with a dealer to see which one matches your needs.

FurrowForce Curved Notched Wheel

Curved Notch Wheel

The notched wheel is the best all-around wheel. The notched design creates ample fracturing and closing in most conditions.

FurrowForce Smooth Wheel

Smooth Wheel

The smooth wheel is more effective in shallow-planted crops and sandy or loose soils.

FurrowForce Dimple Wheel

Dimple Wheel

The dimple wheel is aggressive and excels in conditions like wet no-till clays and very heavy cover crop where extra fracturing of the sidewall is needed.

FurrowForce Rock Guard

Got Rocks?

If your farm is in super rough terrain or rocky soil, then this was made for you. The Rock Guard sits over the furrow and pushes rocks down so that they will not get caught in the closing discs. 

Find a Precision Planting Premier Dealer

What do we hear often from FurrowForce customers:

"I can't find the furrow!"

We've Done the Research

Continued Testing of Closing Systems

We've been researching comparable closing systems on the market. 

  • 51 plot fields over 3 years
  • 1,600 acres of research plots
  • 1,215,000 ft of stand counts (that's 230 miles!)
  • 2 million plants counted
Farmer digging for seed behind the planter

Gain a +3.6 Bu/A with FurrowForce

We tested FurrowForce [automatic] against other industry-leading closing systems across all tillage environments. FurrowForce averaged yield gains of +3.6 Bu/A and an additional +$21.75/A in 2022.

Farmer using a furrow finder to check the seed trench behind the planter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hear From Growers

Trent Barth

Illinois | Corn + Soybeans

Todd Westerfeld

Texas | Corn + Cotton

David Hula

Virginia | Corn + Cucumbers

"FurrowForce was added to our planter when it was released. As a no-till and strip-till operation, adding this technology was a no-brainer. We have two wildly different planting environments that we are working with each year. FurrowForce technology has been a total game changer as we manage planting across many different tillage environments."

Emily and Ryan Ponwith from Minnesota

Emily Ponwith


Get the Most out of FurrowForce

Pair with DeltaForce + 20|20

Add DeltaForce for the Best Soil Environment 

DeltaForce is an automated row-by-row downforce control system that measures and adjusts downforce every time there is variability in your field. Pairing it with FurrowForce provides the seed with the ideal environment to germinate and emerge, as well as allowing roots to grow without obstruction to set maximum yield. 

» Learn More About DeltaForce

Monitor and Control FurrowForce With 20|20

You cannot change what you cannot see. Let the 20|20 system lead you to better decisions as it monitors, controls, and diagnoses your field conditions and equipment performance in real-time. A 20|20 (Gen 3) makes easy work of monitoring and automatically adjusting FurrowForce on the go. 

» Learn More About the 20|20
See your 20|20 data outside of the cab with Precision Planting's Panorama system.

Manage 20|20 maps and data in Panorama™

  • View, share, and analyze 20|20 data everywhere. 
  • See data in row-by-row maps, field average reports, and yield comparisons. 
  • Automate the process of sending data from your 20|20 to other trusted platforms. 
» Learn More About Panorama

Product Resources

FurrowForce Resources

Find operation manuals and quick reference guides.

» FurrowForce Resources


23207 Townline Road Tremont, IL 61568[email protected](309) 925-5050

    Copyright © 2025 Precision Planting. An AGCO brand.

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