
In-furrow starter fertilizer placement

Getting the right nutrients to seedlings early in the season is a challenge because soil tie-up makes fall nutrients less available for plant uptake in the spring. FurrowJet firms the seed in the trench while placing bands of fertilizer on and near the seed, so early roots can access essential nutrients at the perfect time, ensuring that plants are never hungry.

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More Than Just a Seed Firmer

Apply starter fertilizer in the furrow while firming.

Firm + Fertilize

FurrowJet offers a lot of flexibility since your nutrient management plan is as unique as your fields are. FurrowJet firms the seed in the trench and then places bands of fertilizer on and near the seed. 

Choose Where To Apply Fertilizer

FurrowJet applying fertilizer through the center only.


Apply fertilizer through the center of the firmer.

FurrowJet applying fertilizer 3/4" away from the seed on either side.


Apply fertilizer 3/4" away from the seed on either side.

FurrowJet applying fertilizer 3/4" away from the seed on either side and in the center.


Apply fertilizer in all three locations.

FurrowJet can be used to apply up to three separate seed-safe liquids, including micronutrients. However, the most common method is applying the same product in multiple locations. 

Let's Talk Phosphorus

Put Phosphorus Where The Plant Needs It

And watch your crops thrive.

Phosphorus Doesn't Move

Phosphorus fertilizer is immobile in soil, which means that it needs to be placed where a plant will be able to access it. Broadcasting the immobile nutrient across the entire field doesn't always make sense, because it won't move to the rows where the plants are.

Multi-year plot average between the PTI Farm and R&D »

Broadcast + planter-banded phosphorus at 8-10 gpa yielded a $34/acre net return with FurrowJet

Reallocate Fall Dry Fertilizer Dollars

Why we recommend integrating starter fertilizer applied with the planter.


Great Fertilizer Product + Great Precision Placement = Yield

Farm Journal Test Plot

Starter test plots were planted in May 2016. Within 24 hours of planting, this field received excessive rainfall for a short amount of time, which played a role in the results.

"The large yield responses show the effect of starter fertilizer placement and the horsepower it provides to mitigate early season stress," Ken Ferrie said. "The fact we were able to weatherproof this plot by replicating it across the field makes the large yield increases more believable."

The first study was a comparison of the check to FurrowJet applying 3 gallons in-furrow and 10 gallons through the wings. The second study compared the check to in-furrow only, FurrowJet (tri-band), and a 2x2 with Keeton together.

FurrowJet Farm Journal test plot results.

PTI Farm In-Furrow Study

At the PTI farm we've been testing various fertilizer programs in-furrow with FurrowJet. We've learned that the 3-way placement of FurrowJet offers yield increase opportunities. 

In 2021, our corn research showed an average ROI of $30.11/A and an average yield increase of 8.6 Bu/A looking at results from over 35 products. In 2022, we saw an average ROI of $23.17/A and an average yield increase of 6.8 Bu/A.

Conceal + FurrowJet = Five Application Points

Conceal is a liquid fertility attachment that places nitrogen in the soil 3 inches away from the seed on either side of the furrow. Whereas, FurrowJet places fertilizer on top of the seed and 3/4" away from the seed on either side of the seed, which is the ideal placement for phosphorous starters and other seed-safe products. Pairthem together for three more options for fertilizer placement. 

» Learn More About Conceal

Hear From Growers

Jon Peters | Illinois

Jon was looking for time-savings with speed but also precision liquid fertilizer application on his new planter.

Product Resources

FurrowJet Resources

Download operation manuals and guides for your liquid fertilizer system here!

» FurrowJet Resources

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