Safe & simple sprayer priming
How ReClaim Works
ReClaim Your Sprayer
Reclaim time, safety, and product, all with your existing sprayer.
Priming Shouldn't Be a Risk
Backing up to the ditch to spray enough product out to get the right concentration to every nozzle is time-consuming. On top of that, it dumps costly and potentially hazardous chemicals on your farmland, putting your operation and family's health at risk. ReClaim gives you a way to save those costs and eliminate those risks by adding a recirculation system to your sprayer.
Recirculate and Save
ReClaim adds a new flow path from the ends of each nozzle bar section to the tank to ensure that you get the right concentration of product to every nozzle. With the flip of a switch, ReClaim starts flowing product through the system and then indicates to the operator when product has recirculated back to the tank.
Automate Your Boom Cleanout
ReClaim also provides improved boom cleanout. If your sprayer has a clean water tank, just open the flow from there and engage ReClaim. Clean water will circulate through all boom lines and return back to the tank, eliminating end cap dead zones where sediment can accumulate.
Nozzle Options
Which Nozzle Style Do You Have?
Traditional Nozzles
ReClaim works with both traditional check-valve nozzles and PWM nozzles.
PWM Nozzles
ReClaim has a version that is optimized for PWM nozzles with streamlined plumbing in addition to electronic air purge.
"Adding ReClaim has given me confidence when starting a field, and after switching products, that the booms are fully purged and full of straight chemical, ready to spray. I don’t have to worry about over-applying an area or coming back for a second pass because I wasn’t sure where the transition happened.”
Christopher Stoller
Frequently Asked Questions
Product Resources
ReClaim Resources
Download the operation manual here!