
An Easier Start with Fertilizer

Placement: A Big Part of the 4Rs

You have likely heard of the 4Rs of nutrient stewardship. The last “R” or last “Right” is right placement and it can be addressed by adding fertilizer to your planter. But, what is the right placement? Ideally, you would hit 5 locations during your planter pass by banding with liquid fertilizer. Some examples would be sugars and biologicals ran in-furrow through FurrowJet center, starters like phosphorus and zinc through the FurrowJet wings, and then placing fertilizer products like nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, or boron  3” away from the seed trench using Conceal. This 5-point touch is all banded liquid fertilizer that offers the developing root system the nutrients it needs, when and where it needs it. Plus, banding nutrients can reduce the total amount of needed fertility by up to 30% while maintaining the same yield level.

Conceal and FurrowJet placements in the soil

Does Your Planter Do This?

We believe that applying at-plant fertility should not add complexity. Precision Planting's fertility system is the easiest way to achieve the ideal 5 point placement for starter fertilizer, along with simple and accurate rate control. As you plan for the next planting season, make sure your planter is equipped with the best system to help your crops thrive.

▽ watch time – 1:10

FurrowJet firms the seed in the trench while placing bands of fertilizer on and near the seed, so early roots can access essential nutrients at the perfect time. 

Conceal is a planter fertility attachment that is cleanly tucked into the row-unit and places nutrition in the soil 3 inches away from the seed.

vApplyHD allows you to get the correct rate of liquid fertilizer to every plant in your field with section or row-by-row control, so that your fertilizer ROI is maximized.

Feed the Crop What It Needs, When It Needs It

Chad farms on the Illinois/Indiana state line and shares about his experience with FurrowJet, Conceal, and vApply. He says that utilizing the fertility system allows him to optimize his inputs, be a better steward of the ground, and preserve his farm for future generations.

▽ watch time – 2:36

It Make Sense: Economically & Environmentally

Source: Ohio’s Country Journal 

‣ John Fulton, professor and Extension specialist in the Department of Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering
‣ Matt Bennett, RSM for Precision Planting 

“Applying fertilizer with the planter provides a very efficient way to meet the crop needs in an environmentally friendly way,” said Fulton. “This also allows the potential to apply less and have it used more efficiently. This is something that could become mandated in the future, so now is a good time to check it out and learn. Looking back at the last 5 to 10 years, and the advancement in technology for controllers and sensors to be put on a planter to apply starter fertilizer is interesting. We can now equip planters simpler, and also meter the products more accurately than in the past. We want the crop roots to intersect the N and P at the proper times to benefit the crop as it grows.”

“Placing nutrients at planting and in the growing season help mitigate the environmental concerns,” Bennett said. “Applying a part of the fertilizer needs with the planter and then following with a split application in a sidedress pass makes sense economically and environmentally.”

Read full article.

Take Advantage of Our Partnerships 

We have cultivated relationships with fertility companies around the continent to provide rebates and incentives through equipment programs. These Partner Programs combine superior liquid fertilizer products with the proven application equipment of Precision Planting.  Discover more about these Partner Programs, then reach out to your local Precision Planting Premier Dealer to utilize the program.

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