Key Points
- Yield Increase: We’ve seen that pushing planting dates up into April generates average additional yield of 11.8 Bu/A.
- Frost Consideration: While soybeans can typically handle cold conditions, the soil still needs to be fit. If you plant early, you do take on a level of risk of frost to the crop once it sprouts.
- Updating Tradition: The highest yield on the PTI Farm was found when soybeans were planted in March or April. After this timeframe, yield takes a significant hit.
- Late-Maturing Variety: Initial data at the PTI Farm suggests if you have the chance to plant early, late-maturing varieties will produce the longest maturing period leading to the most nodes.
When is the best time to plant soybeans?
For many growers, it’s been historically common to wait to plant soybeans until corn planting is complete. However, data from the PTI Farm shows us that if you are planting soybeans around the traditional timeframe in May, you may be missing out on some significant yield potential.
Across six years of tracking various planting dates for soybeans, we have found that the ideal time to plant soybeans is actually in late March and April, provided conditions are ideal for planting. By planting early, you can extend the growing season for soybeans, leading to a higher yield.
While the idea of planting as early as March may make many growers nervous, even pushing dates just two weeks earlier into April could hold significant advantages for you! This shift produced an average gain of 11.8 Bu/A.
Soybean Planting Date Study Results
Past Study Videos
InsidePTI S3•E26
Variety Maturity & Planting Date ‣ Soybean
InsidePTI S3•E03
Planting Date ‣ Corn + Soybean
InsidePTI S2•E08
Planting Date ‣ Soybean
InsidePTI S1•E02
Optimum Soybean Planting Date
Study Details
Study data collected 2018-2023 at the PTI Farm in Pontiac, IL.
Planting Date | Varied | Rotation | BAC |
Row Width | 20" & 30" | Population | 120K-140K |
Soybean Prices | 2024 - $11.46 2023 - $13.09 2022 - $13.96 2021 - $11.98 2020 - $9.75 2019 - $8.68 2018 - $8.80 | Hybrid | 2024 - GH 3994E3 2023 - GH 3724XF 2022 - GH 2922E3 2021 - GH3582 2020 - GH3546X 2019 - GH3546 2018 - 31A22X |